
From 2020 - 2024 I was an Android engineer at Carv, with rust sidequests. Since then i've been skiing a lot.

I'm tinkering with Kotlin Multiplatform with IOS SwiftUI for personal projects. I'm playing with Svelte on web for fun, building a web based grid notation tool GrvMkr.

I get involved at an architectural level and understand the wider picture, and I feel strongly about the importance of QA.

Technology Timeline

Recent personal project links

Career History

Motion Metrics Ltd (Carv) : Apr 2020 ā€“ May 2024

  1. Android Engineer
  2. As the second software hire in this small start up, I owned the Android codebase and contributed to the shared rust code too.

    I increased Carv's Play Store rating from 3.3 to 4.7 by:

    1. Tackling a number of tricky long standing issues such as app deaths, gps, bluetooth connection and corruption, and gatt133 issues
    2. Quickly developing high quality, well tested features, such as leaderboards (first) and video coach (proudest)
    3. Leading the QA process, and standardising the release process for android and ios
    4. Providing quality support for customers and team mates

    I also contributed to the development of internal tooling such as sveltekit (js) and streamlit (python) dashboards.

Telefonica O2 Ltd : Sept 2012 ā€“ May 2019

  1. Full stack developer (The Lab) July 2018 - May 2019
  2. I developed a number of small proof of concept applications / systems:

    • Forecasting network capacity issues based on existing data
    • Technical analysis of Flutter for developing mobile apps.
    • MQTT brokers (mosquitto) in Vagrant for testing IOT authentication methods

  3. Software Engineer (Digital Products) July 2014 - July 2018
  4. O2 Drive - I developed backend services and middleware for O2's car insurance offering. I also contributed to the O2 Drive Android App.

    O2 Online Shop - I added functionality to view existing tariff usage alongside upgrade options and recommendations, to give customers a better upgrade experience. I wrote both Java and JavaScript (Angular) for this application.

    O2 Checkout - Contributed to O2's checkout rewrite to reduce complexity. Conversion rates rose 31%, and upgrade net sales value rose 52%.

  5. Apprentice Sept 2012 - July 2014
  6. Automated report development using VBA with Microsoft Excel and Access. PKI for O2s 4G rollout. Web based map tool to display O2 cell sites and related data geographically.


Iā€™m a rock climber first, a skier second and a mountain biker third.

I also enjoy producing electronic music. That's not to say it's any good though.